new concepts

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Brunch for lunch: Add a bar for more custom options

We have been focusing on menus that allow our high school students to customize their lunch, so this is another menu option where they are able to do that.

Steal This Idea

Feed with flair: Create a themed eatery to boost participation

Child Nutrition was able to purchase a separate facility for summer feeding, so I decided to come up with some way to feed kiddos and keep them cool while doing so.

No matter their roots, Morningstar Senior Living wants its residents to feel at home. Twice monthly, they invite families of residents to join a family-style meal.

Our summer feeding bus also has a librarian on board, and she’s able to check out books to the kids so they can build relationships with staff all throughout the summer.

Hooters is trying a new model with counter-service ordering plus a full-service bar and dining area. The restaurant was nearly full 15 minutes after opening.

While they may be a nuisance to parents, restaurants are finding an unexpected use for trendy fidget spinners. Check out how this chef is showing off the new technique.

How can you make customers feel they're getting the most for their buck? Steal these ideas from restaurant operators to engage deal hunters with your operation. 

Restaurants have had to adapt or be left behind by a changing industry. Here are five trends that can help operators efficiently keep pace with diners’ modern demands.

Help guests pay attention to what they’re eating and understand the dietary guidelines by creating a physical plate showing the recommended USDA food portions.

Senior living operators are turning to other aspects of the dining experience to help residents with memory loss. 

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