K-12 Schools


Ban the scan? Biometrics come under fire

Some school districts think biometrics are a key to faster lunch service. But not everyone believes the technology is worth the risks.


The story behind the school lunch debate

First lady Michelle Obama and school lunch ladies used to be on the same team, but now they’re locked in a political war against each other.

At a school where a teacher says too many kids go hungry, hundreds of pounds of unopened food are being thrown away in a dumpster each week.

The ferocity of first lady Michelle Obama's counterattack against a proposal to temporarily waive school lunch standards shows what's really at stake in Congress: a $10 billion effort to wean Americans off junk food.

The Caesar salads served up in some school cafeterias are about to cut their commute time, as a new processing center will allow more local produce to be served in schools.

Laura has made an impact on foodservice by being a director of one of the largest districts and the only R.D. in school foodservice in the state at the age of 23.

A report distributed today by the Texas Food Bank Network finds that Texas expanded the number of needy children fed at state-sponsored summer meal sites by eight percent in 2013.

Prince William County cafeterias are not selling milk this week, after workers reported some spoiled containers of milk.

Already feeling the pressure of stringent new government nutrition guidelines, the district's food services department is also now starting to feel the pinch of increasing food costs.

Area school officials say economic concerns — and changing taste buds of students — are reasons they have no plans to opt out of federal healthier meal standards.

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