K-12 Schools


District hoping to transform bus into food truck

Colorado foodservice department wants to serve more students by taking meals mobile.


Knox County schools starts free meals program

Under the Community Eligibility Provision, 35,000 students will receive free breakfasts and lunches next school year.

A new ban, starting Oct. 1, required all institutions that produce more than a ton of food waste per week to find other ways to discard food besides landfills.

Pantry machines help non-commercial operators offer more than the traditional chips and soda.

Oroville schools’ sales of pizza, chips and pretzels have been negatively affected by new USDA rules.

An “enhanced lunch” will be available for 50 more cents at Lampeter-Strasburg School District.

The overhaul of school nutrition hasn't been easy to swallow, but south Florida kids seem to be warming to new menus.

A new study finds little decline in kids' soda drinking when vending machines are taken out of schools.

The new Smart Snacks rule is putting a damper on school fundraisers.

The challenge gives schools money for increasing participation.

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