K-12 Schools


Nebraska-area schools completes goal to have students fit by 2020

Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln set a goal five years ago to reduce childhood obesity rates in Lincoln Public Schools by 10 percent by 2020—LPS has reached that goal six years ahead of schedule. Now the goal is to double that percent.


Are insects the future of food?

With the population rising and the demand for protein increasing, producers and operators will need to find enough protein to feed billions more mouths.

One food services director says although she isn’t sure how many students are eating the vegetables, the most important thing is that they’re being exposed to them.

Students who normally go to Chipotle or Subway for lunch say their school cafeteria is making strides in healthful, flavorful food that kids want to eat.

A study out of San Diego shows students make healthier decisions at lunch when guided by emoticons and with a prize incentive.

Earlier this year, students at one district were forced to skip lunch due to food shortages. See how things have changed.

The app, Nutrislice, provides dietary information and allows Chartwells to communicate with both parents and

We save our coffee grounds in 5-gallon buckets.

Stephen Ritz founded the nonprofit Green Bronx Machine with his students at New York City’s P.S. 55, which has installed more than 100 gardens at schools throughout the city.

Restaurant Associates’ Edward Sirhal showcases new menu items and initiatives through an Apple-inspired summit.

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