K-12 Schools


Schools that served years-old pork hold food safety meeting

Knox County Schools officials held a meeting to ease parents’ minds about food safety and preparation following an incident in which students were served old pork, some of which dated back to 2009.


Cost of school food to go up for students

A California-area school district has voted to increase the prices of school breakfast and lunch for the upcoming school year.

Food Network’s Gold Medal Winner Ray Duey is traveling the country showing students how to turn fruit and vegetable scraps into floral and animal masterpieces.

Gail Simmons is raising awareness about child nutrition issues in New York City, as Congress prepares to reauthorize the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

One Massachusetts principal ladled out servings of her mother’s homemade Portuguese Kale Soup in an effort to teach students to expand their palate and about using healthy, fresh ingredients as part of a good diet.

One Pittsburgh-area high school is making strides in reducing waste through active recycling and composting programs supported by the students and community.

Susan Santos, assistant director at Penn State University in University Park, Pa., won the Steal This Idea contest held at MenuDirections 2015 in Memphis, Tenn., last month.

The new practices will extend to operations and growers outside of the United States.

A burglar made off with snacks after breaking into two schools from the same town in Mississippi.

Some former top-ranked military officials say prioritizing healthy school meals and fitness is a matter of national security, citing 69% of young adults in Minnesota cannot serve due to poor health.

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