K-12 Schools


How one director revolutionized school food in Detroit

Detroit Public Schools nutrition director Betti Wiggins put a halt to outsourcing the foodservice program, connected with local farms and more than doubled the food budget.


Legislator proposes flexible school meal standards

The Reducing Federal Mandates on School Lunch Act would loosen the current sodium and whole grain requirements that schools must meet.

Three Takes On offers several different versions of the same classic dish. This month: unique takes on sausage dishes.

Right now, it seems like everyone wants to experiment with eating gluten-free or vegan.

The schoolhouse is becoming the new cookhouse. In the U.S., 1 in 5 households with children are considered food insecure.

A few months back, we learned that a growing number of foodservice professionals are worried about the work ethic of their current employees.

We invited four different departments, one per week, to prepare a dinner for the school community.

Sandi Kramer, child nutrition director for the Yankton School District in Yankton, S.D., loves chocolate, wants to travel to Holland and Germany, and believes everything happens for a reason.

From barbecue and beans to mushrooms and tapas, there was a lot of food—and food for thought—passed around at the 13th annual MenuDirections conference.

Memphis, Tenn., was the site of the 13th annual MenuDirections conference. As you might expect, pork and barbecue played an important role in the event.

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