K-12 Schools


The plight of the National School Lunch Program continues

Republican lawmakers seek changes to the program after the USDA reports nearly $2.7 billion in improper payments during the 2012-2013 school year.


District nutrition manager suspended following pork incident

Officials say Hawkins County Schools’ child nutrition manager has been suspended three days without pay and given a permanent letter of reprimand after students were served pork, some of which dated back to 2009.

The Tucson Village Farm teaches an average of 12 schools per-month the value of fresh ingredients and demonstrates how much sugar and fat are in children’s meals.

A team of staff, cooks and parents at Trinity Lutheran School did the math and now serves a variety of options at lunch—decreasing the chance for food to be thrown away.

While the state has no formal policy on banning foods from school cafeterias, there are safety measures in place to prevent exposure to the top eight foods that cause allergic reactions.

We use a juice machine to juice vegetable trim waste.

Students in a Chicago suburb found they could save nearly 500 pounds of cafeteria food waste from landfills by sorting and taking it to a composting site.

The strawberry French toast and smoothies were among favorites Hillsborough County School students tested and approved for next school year.

The Backpack Program gives 500-children that are chronically hungry a backpack full of food for a weekend.

The author of “Got Milked” is defending her claims that milk does more harm than good to the human body.

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