K-12 Schools


Board alleges cafeteria union negotiated in bad faith

Faced with an outsourcing decision, one Connecticut school board filed a complaint with the state’s Board of Labor Relations alleging the cafeteria workers union negotiated a tentative agreement in bad faith.


Senator intent on rewriting child nutrition law

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts wants to enact a new child nutrition law, giving schools more flexibility in meeting standards for school meals.

I brought three of my chefs with me to MenuDirections 2015 and gave each of them a list of brain-healthy foods and ingredients to find at the conference, along with certain people they would have to talk with to find out more about the foods.

When it comes to barbecue, foodservice directors are balancing authenticity with innovation in their side dishes.

Farmers are gearing up to satisfy increasing demand for pulses worldwide.

From spearheading tough renovations to championing wellness programs that resonate, these non-commercial operators’ feats and passion make them best in class.

An Arkansas school district has outsourced food services to Aramark, which promises to hire all child nutrition employees with raises and bonuses. However, the foodservice director and foodservice bookkeeper are out.

Despite a former Metz Management Culinary employees’ criticism of Hanover Area’s school food, the board president found nothing wrong with it.

Students at one Kentucky high school are happy about the two greenhouses on campus, but are more excited about where the foods end up.

Governor Chris Christie vetoed legislation that would require schools to take students’ cultural food preferences into account, saying it would “burden hundreds of school districts.”

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