K-12 Schools

FSD Culinary Council

What is FSD’s Culinary Council?

FSD’s Culinary Council is a cross-section of chefs from the K-12, college and university, senior living, health care, and business and industry segments. On a rotating basis, our industry experts answer questions about food trends and ideas.


State SNA rep, congressional aides discuss NSLP regs

A group from North Carolina reminded their congressman of the adjustments schools favor.

Anytime eating with all-day menus is the model that seems to be evolving in college dining, senior living and health care, according to our respondents.

FoodService Director surveyed our 50 Culinary Council members to see what items customers are demanding and what will be on their menus in the coming year.

Esteemed members of the Chefs' council Nicola Torres, Carrie Anderson and Jose M. Martinez answer the question, how are you slipping in healthy ingredients?

The proposal would reimburse applicable foodservices for the third meal.

Members of Foodservice Director's Chefs Council detail what they foresee as being the biggest menuing challenges they expect to face in 2016.

FSD's Culinary Council members agree big, bold flavors will continue to be in high-demand and will explore ingredients, cuisines and recipes embracing them.

Has Sriracha reached its saturation point or will it keep going strong? How about gluten-free foods? Our Culinary Council shares the trends that will be shaping their menus in 2016.

The contractor is promising to help facilities connect students to what they eat.

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