

How childhood lessons craft grown-up tastes

Does Gen Z prefer "real" food because they planted a garden at school or grew up cooking and eating this way with their families? It may be all of the above.


Sustainability goes beyond the menu

Deputy Editor Dana Moran was impressed by how Ponce City Market's planners maintained the historic building while pursuing green certifications.

Granville High School senior Chris Carlson is spearheading a project to raise tilapia in an aqua farm inside a school greenhouse.

Not only do Twin Lakes Elementary School students grow and harvest fresh produce in their ‘food forest’ for lunch, they also take home items weekly.

Students at East Peoria Community High School are growing fruits and vegetables to be served during lunch.

The university now serves 20 percent of its food from sustainable sources.

Although food trucks on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus provide students with affordably priced foods, they are concerned about the excess waste created.

With World Food Day behind us (Oct. 16) and National Food Day a few days away (Oct. 24), events are being held worldwide to promote sustainable food and improved food policies. Here are what several colleges and universities are doing to commemorate the days.

Root-to-stem cooking is catching on among operators committed to using every part of the vegetable—including the peel and ends that usually get tossed.

I planted my very first home garden in April; going in, it’s easy to be excited about gardening. Plant a seed, give it some water and boom: instant meals.

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