menu development

Steal This Idea

Fish for partnerships

Sparrow Hospital wanted to add sushi, but that’s not really its director's expertise. So she found a local company that offered to put three sushi chefs on-site.


Chicken soup for the low-sodium soul

Instead of cooking two versions of chicken noodle soup, The Garladnds of Barrington reworked a recipe into a flavorful lower-sodium version that appeals to all.

We’re back with next year’s menu forecast, culled from our panel of 50 Chefs’ Council members—culinarians representing the core segments of noncommercial foodservice.

Literally meaning “organic takeover,” The Organic Coup is trying to leave as big a mark on the restaurant business as Costco has left on the retail industry.

While items such as sandwiches, barbecue and buffets still are popular, chefs continue to experiment with new menu items and concepts as catering competition heats up. 

To meet the demand of clockless diners, chefs are expanding snack offerings, all-day breakfast is on the rise and grab-and-go is taking off in new directions.

How do you keep customers buying coffee on-site rather than drifting out the door to that big-name coffee chain down the street? Here are some best practices.

Through culinary arts programs, students learn the basics of agriculture, practice pivoting a menu based on seasonality, and compost as they cook.

Here's how three members of FoodService Director's Chefs' Council are taking the ball and running with it, developing successful dining events to suit their fans.

Chefs’ Council members told us that many of their biggest successes in the past year were items including soft tacos, samosas, stuffed Chinese bao and banh mi.

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