legislation and regulation


Judge lets FSDs get confidential help from anti-union pros

Enforcement of a measure requiring employers to disclose conversations with labor consultants during unionization drives has been blocked temporarily until a pending lawsuit is decided.


States could lose millions in federal reimbursements due to block grant

Members of Congress and several advocacy groups gathered on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to highlight the potential loss of millions in state funding as a result of a Child Nutrition Reauthorization block grant introduced last month.

The proposal mandates higher sanitation standards for all Veterans Affairs Medical Center dining services.

Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made a promise that the newest version of the House’s Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill “never sees the light of day on the House floor."

Rep. Todd Rokita said he has doubts about whether the federal government should subsidize school lunches at all.

The celebrity chef is calling upon NYC’s mayor to provide free lunches for all public schools, so that children aren’t bullied for taking advantage of subsidized lunches.

A vote could come as soon as today.

In two steps, the agency hopes to reduce the content in food sold to consumers by roughly a third.

The legislation, hailed as a landmark by labor proponents, is already being copied by other municipalities.

Even more than usual, labor issues were top of mind for noncommercial foodservice directors and restaurateurs at this year’s NRA Show in Chicago. Here's why.

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