legislation and regulation


FDA proposes new labels designating which romaine lettuce is safe

The federal agency says it intends to identify safe sources of the produce.


Lunch shaming bill introduced in Mich.

The bill would require schools to provide a USDA-reimbursable meal to students even if they cannot pay.

The city will spend $1 million on a pilot program offering the meals.

After a six-month grace period, use of the familiar foam packaging will be stopped.

An estimated 500 schools are now required to offer breakfast during the school day.

Members plan to introduce a bill that would take processed items out of public school cafeterias.

Here's an inside look at which states are seeking to end the controversial practice.

The bill faces one more vote to move to the state Senate.

The agencies will collaborate on produce safety measures and biotechnology.

It's now illegal in some areas to ask job applicants particular questions, or to serve a certain Asian dish.

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