legislation and regulation


Universal free meals bill introduced in Nebraska

The Hunger-Free Schools Act would provide free school breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of family income.


Sesame now classified as a major allergen by the FDA

It is the ninth major food allergen to be recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and will now have to be properly labeled on products.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 would establish a permanent summer EBT program and allow summer meal sites to offer non-congregate meals.

The state will use federal funding to continue providing free meals through the next school year.

Arizona students who qualify for reduced-price school meals will now receive free ones, starting in January.

The No Hungry Kids in Schools Act would allow more students to receive free meals at school while also reducing paperwork for school nutrition operators.

A state lawmaker has pre-filed a bill that would provide free breakfast and lunch at school to all public school students.

The state is the latest to consider offering free breakfast and lunch to all pupils during the school day.

The resolution states that free meals should be offered to all public school students as families continue to struggle financially due to inflation and COVID-19.

The state banned lunch shaming last year; however, its department of education asked for clarification on the law after receiving reports that some schools were still serving alternative meals.

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