health and wellness


Cure to a crisis?

The October issue of FoodService Director will contain an Analysis piece I wrote entitled “The Great GMO Debate.” The article examines the concept of genetic engineering in agriculture and why some people, companies and organizations are so high on it while others are convinced it could mean the death of agriculture.


Big soda makers agree to cut American's drink calories

The three largest soda companies — Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and the Dr Pepper Snapple Group — have pledged to cut the number of sugary drink calories that Americans consume by one-fifth in about a decade.

About seven in 10 young adults are ineligible for military service, according to a new report from a group that is pushing school nutrition standards as a way to improve that situation.

Within the next couple years, all of Riverhead School District’s students will receive a wider variety of fresher, healthier and tastier meals.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples is raising objections to a school district pilot program that encourages kids to eat meatless lunches once a week.

The study comes from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which in 2011 signed an industry agreement with 14 food manufacturers and three GPOs to “develop, produce and market healthier food products for schools at competitive prices,” according to the report.

As more doctors use food as a medical tool, health care providers are making nutritious options more readily available — even farmers markets.

Food vendors doing business with Overlake Hospital Medical Center (OHMC), in Seattle, know without ambiguity what products the hospital’s hospitality dining services department does and does not want.

Mondays have become meat free in hundreds of school cafeterias across the Bay Area, a move praised by animal rights activists and environmentalists and condemned by the livestock industry for pushing politics into the lunch line.

It's no secret that there is a big national effort to combat childhood obesity by providing healthy food choices in public schools.

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