health and wellness


Georgia Tech serves up Southern small plates

Small plates starring flavors of the South were the feature at the Meet The Chefs event at Georgia Tech University, in Atlanta, held at the end of the spring semester.


The silent epidemic

As the number of senior citizens—and their desire to remain at home—increases, foodservice programs such as Meals On Wheels increasingly struggle to remain viable.

Instead of sloppy Joes and lukewarm pizza, students this year will instead be handed new menus offering made-to-order items like fajitas and sandwiches as the district’s new food vendor tries to turn school cafeterias into food courts and cafés.

Fruit might be sweet, but it’s also right at home in savory dishes, where it offers depth of flavor plus beneficial fiber and antioxidants for relatively few calories. Here’s how operators are working more of nature’s candy into the main meal.

Agriculture Under Secretary Kevin Concannon Thursday announced a series of grants and tools designed to help schools serve healthier meals and snacks – and help students select them – as they return from summer breaks.

The pink cookie, once named as a best by Cleveland magazine, will no longer be offered because it doesn’t meet new nutritional guidelines.

On Sept. 15, members of two healthcare foodservice groups will get together for a one-day seminar that at least one person hopes will be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Students in Gainesville, Georgia, are likely eating a better lunch than you today.

UNC researchers have discovered that more than half of UNC’s emergency-room patients that are 65 or older suffer from poor nutrition.

The Kansas Hospital Education & Research Foundation (KHERF), an arm of the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), ha The Kansas Hospital Education & Research Foundation (KHERF), an arm of the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), has convinced 54 of KHA’s 128 hospital members to examine their food and beverage services with a goal of making their programs healthier.

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