health and wellness


Biloxi schools’ menus feature locally grown items

Cafeteria food has taken on a fresh, new twist in the Biloxi School District. This week, Biloxi schools are serving dishes that feature products grown in Mississippi.


Bowling Green opens dedicated vegan concept

Responding to concerns from the campus’s vegan population, the dining services team at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), in Ohio, has dedicated a station at The Oaks strictly to vegan menu items.

I wrote a manual to spell out how we should be purchasing food to help us improve the health of our patients and employees.

Genetic engineering has sparked a heated food-related debate. Three countries—Benin, Serbia and Zambia—have banned GMOs (genetically modified organisms) outright.

Maranacook Community High School recently held several events in conjunction with Maine Harvest Lunch Week, Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has released a report applauding a number of hospital foodservice programs for the quality of their beverage programs.

Today the School Nutrition Association is Washington’s loudest and most public critic of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

WJCC Child Nutrition Services and the Williamsburg Health Foundation’s Student Health Initiative Program have partnered in an effort to improve the quality of school lunches — and raise healthier kids.

Students at Highlands High School can get fries with their meal anytime they want after Fort Thomas Independent Schools dropped out of the federal meals program this year.

Starting today, meat is off the menu at all Sarasota County schools. They're launching Meatless Mondays.

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