grab and go


Kent State University reveals new food truck

If Kent State University students, faculty and staff want a quick bite they can simply check Twitter or Facebook to find the university's new bright yellow food truck.

Steal This Idea

Find new revenue sources

In the elementary schools our participation has dropped the last few semesters due to the changing USDA regulations. In order to draw up more interest, as well as business, we not only sell second entrées to students, but we also sell yogurt, string cheese, milk and sparkling juice.

We were looking for something for our smaller sites, the ones that are too big to be supported by traditional vending but not large enough to support a café without a very substantial investment.

The Centra Nutrition Group recently launched our very own food truck, called Code Fresh. The truck serves a few roles.

This month we present our fourth annual list of 10 ideas to provide a jump-start for innovation in your operation.

The students in high school have such a long day and so many of them participate in after-school activities and a lot of them eat lunch starting at 10 a.m.

Vending machines at the Franciscan Alliance hospitals have new options, such as baked chips, pretzels, milk and more.

After more than two months out of commission, the Green Tidings food truck will return to the campus, Dining Services officials said.

This month: USC's burrito vending machine, top 10 dessert trends for 2014 and pizza's brave new world.

The Boulder Valley School District is poised to jump on the food truck trend, thanks to a $75,000 donation from Whole Foods.

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