
Tips from a chef on serving more healthful cafeteria food

Mark Mollentine, chef at Missouri-based Children’s Mercy Hospital, is known for transforming cafeteria food typically high in calories, fat and sugar into more healthy options, according to kshb.com.

Here are some tips from Mollentine for others who want to give it a try.

It’s all about portion control, which is why Mollentine says he doesn’t use 32 or 64-ounce sized cups for fountain drinks and bottled beverages. “[The] smaller size beverages are a small step in helping people realize that they are consuming too many calories.”

Reducing unnecessary fats is also important. Children’s Mercy cafeteria offers snacks that include fruits and vegetables, as well as baked chips, and is currently replacing all of its deep-fat fryers with conventions ovens, according to the website.

Read the full story at kshb.com.



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