K-12 Schools


Sandi Walter first recipient of SNF’s Josephine Martin National Policy Fellow

Fellow allows SNA member to attend the Legislative Action Conference for the first time.


SNA responds to USDA’s competitive foods regs

Association wants USDA to issue interim final rule with additional comment period.

District says sales are down in regular lunch and a la carte.

Urban School Food Alliance's six districts shows solidarity by serving same menu for a day.

Five percent fewer students overweight or obsese compared to 2012 survey.

Program promotes student health and achievement at school districts.

Proposed measure would always give students who qualify for reduced-price lunches a meal.

Arlington School District named Western Washington Fresh Food in School Champion.

Sharing transportation inspired idea.

In 2011, 3 million meals featuring locally produced food were served in more than 650 Georgia schools as part of program.

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