K-12 Schools


Signature Series: Bread

As part of our ongoing Signature Series, we asked operators to share their signature bread recipes, including two versions of cinnamon rolls, multigrain rolls and focaccia.


Iowa greenhouse partners with company to deliver fresh veggies to kids

Minutes after train cars loaded with coal roll by, Jan Swinton admits this rough industrial park on Fairfield's north side is hardly where you'd expect to find the beginnings of a lush vegetable garden that will help feed the area's 1,700 schoolchildren.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act greatly impacted what the majority of operators offer at lunch, according to new research from Datassential. Other challenging areas include menu rotation and reimbursements.

As director of child nutrition for Durham Public Schools, James Keaten is transforming cafeterias into places where fresh fruits and vegetables are replacing junk food.

With the increased number of regulations on school meal programs, directors are increasingly trying to find ways to have more control over the ingredients in the items they serve.

The School Board of Highlands County will likely serve free suppers at some of its elementary schools starting in the fall to students in after-school programs.

Four out of 10 operators indicated that finding the money to purchase new equipment and an overall declining budget were their top budget challenges.

Opponents of privatizing school food service operations have been vocal at Board of Education meetings for months; however, board members who support privatization continue to hold back on responding.

Recent federal and state regulations that require schools to serve healthier lunches have driven up food costs and made schools juggle menus to balance health, finances and what kids will eat.

Culinary Workshops and the Chris Ivens-Brown close out the conference.

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