K-12 Schools

Steal This Idea

Premade and made to order

We’re considering doing half and half—some items already made and some made to order, with the top five items being premade.


School leaders and State Rep. discuss nutrition guidelines and food waste

School leaders explained to U.S. State Rep. Charlie Dent that adhering to Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act is resulting in students throwing away more food.

Federal Smart Snacks requirements will be under review by a committee set up to look at education regulations deemed overreaching or unnecessary.

Currently, 15% of the district’s produce comes from farms in San Diego County, and the rest comes from farms throughout the state.

Tex-Mex, one of America’s oldest regional cuisines, has become incredibly popular across the United States.

The breaded chicken tender salad features whole-grain baked chicken tenders; kid-friendly vegetables and low-fat ranch dressing.

Employees who do something above and beyond are awarded a certificate and they get to choose any #10 can of food from our storeroom.

Director of food, nutrition and conference services loves thinking out of the box, hates having to justify staffing and wishes she could sing.

A new law prohibits New Jersey schools from not serving meals to students who have delinquent payment accounts without notifying parents first.

Avocados can play a role in lowering bad cholesterol, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

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