K-12 Schools


D.C. council to approve new contract with Chartwells after lawsuit

Although the foodservice provider recently agreed to pay $19 million to settle a lawsuit alleging mismanagement and fraudulent conduct, the D.C. council may approve a new contract for the upcoming school year.


Sysco ends attempt to merge with US Foods

The 18-month struggle to create a super-distributor is over, to the tune of $312.5 million in break-up fees.

A new cafeteria payment system means students and parents will be able to pay for meals online, but it also means no change back when paying with cash.

An Indiana school administrator told a House subcommittee that, following the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, students have been caught selling salt, pepper and sugar in school to add taste to cafeteria food.

Daniel Boone School District laid off 30 cafeteria workers, opting to go with foodservice provider Nutrition Group, which says it will hire most of the workers back.

The bipartisan Apprenticeship and Jobs Training Act of 2015 would create a $5,000 tax credit for employers using apprenticeships to train workers in high-demand industries, such as food and beverage.

During a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, the School Nutrition Association’s incoming vice president, Dr. Lynn Harvey, testified about the costs of complying with new regulations on school meals and snacks.

A school district in Fairbanks, Alaska, is dealing with a $192,000 loss in revenue stemming from healthy snacks regulations on top of a proposed $100,000 budget cut.

Six percent of children and 3 percent of adults now suffer from food allergies, with the main culprits being gluten, milk, eggs, fish, nuts and soy.

Directors of a Frederick, Maryland, summer camp want to help children with severe allergies to have some fun with food for a change.

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