K-12 Schools


Grills on the go

Though industrial grills are his go-to for high-volume events, Lyman Graham likes the versatility of home grills for smaller catering gigs.


Foodservice takes on animal welfare

When Boston University students lobbied the school to serve only cage-free eggs on campus, the university agreed to change its buying practices.

By creating a five-week cycle menu that changes depending on the season, a program funded through Iowa State University was able to increase the usage of Iowa-grown foods in four state school districts.

A Michigan elementary school is using $200,000 in grants to renovate its cafeteria, which will also become a multipurpose room for the community.

With thousands of bills hitting Congress, the SNA knew a nationwide effort was needed to make reauthorization of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act a priority.

During the 2015 MenuDirections Awards Dinner, our salad course was served with individual salad-dressing “shooters” [instead of one vessel for the table].

Kim Smith's Brain Healthy Cooking guidelines have found a way to keep the meat in meatloaf while introducing more produce, grains and other ingredients.

The National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators aims to reduce honey bee colony losses during winter to no more than 15%.

When an organization hires a transgender worker, how should the employer accomodate them? HR undercover says the guiding principle is self-determination.

Twelve Green Bay-area schools have secured small grants to help fund on-site gardens, through the collaboration of Live54218, a nonprofit, and KI, a contract furniture company.

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