Hospitals & Long-term Care


Affordable Care Act and LTC Dining Services

We've all heard about how hospital operators think the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect hospital foodservice, but no one is really mentioning the role long-term care facilities will play in the equation. For a recap: Under ACA hospitals are tas


Missouri hospital debuts new dining experience

The renovation will also allow for room service in the coming months.

At this year's National Restaurant Show in Chicago I had the good fortune to meet James Beard and "Top Chef" winner Stephanie Izard at her new venture, Little Goat.

The No. 1 challenge when planning and executing a renovation is finding the money to do so, according to The Big Picture.

Deanna Dryer, dining services supervisor at Wesley Glen Retirement Community in Columbus, Ohio, is always consistent with all the details of her operation, while she explores new ideas to improve current resident services

When a hospital boasts about its foodservice program on its website, you know you’ve done something right. In a world full of bad hospital food jokes, Diane Imrie, R.D., director of nutrition services, has turned that stereotype upside down at Fletc

We have quarterly theme parties. I usually choose the theme, but last quarter I asked the residents to choose the theme. They decided on a Valentine’s Ladies Luncheon in which the men would plan the menu and serve the ladies. The men came up with so

When Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo., ended its 25-year lease with McDonald’s restaurant late last year, hospital CEO John Bluford announced it as “a mutually agreed upon decision between businesses.” Earlier in the year, howev

On our patient menus, we added walnuts and raisins as toppings to our breakfast hot cereal. The goal was to increase Omega-3 and fiber on the heart-healthy menu and to provide something to help flavor the cereal. 

Chef highlights vegetarian meals through Indian cuisine.

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