
Steal This Idea

Let staffers create their own meals

Student employees from India approached a manager at Murray State University and said they would like to do a hot line of authentic Indian food for everyone.


Philly cheesesteak earns a price break

To “clean” up his school’s cheesesteak, Chef Kevin Frank replaced the meat product with one that’s more healthful and saves seven cents per serving.

St. Luke's Hospital and Health Network reduced the price on the salad-bar items by 25 percent to help promote proper nutrition and healthful eating.

To give customers and patients a healthier, lower-sodium minestrone soup, Kathleen Nielsen of McKay-Dee Hospital “cleaned up” a speed-scratch version.

Use fresh, seasonal fruits to create a base for agua fresca, smoothies and raspados [Mexican shaved ice]. You can choose in-season, local fruit.

The University of Montana started playing with fermenting things that people used to throw out—the stems of mushrooms, the gills of portabella mushrooms.

Instead of trying to find healthy (yet still convincing) substitutes for the butter or sugar in his peach cobbler, David Cohen tried a different approach.

University of Montana’s executive chef says flexibility is key when storing local produce for winter.

Kim Smith's Brain Healthy Cooking guidelines have found a way to keep the meat in meatloaf while introducing more produce, grains and other ingredients.

Starting in the fall, San Diego Unified School District’s lunch menu will feature student recipes such as “Terrific Turkey Tacos” and “AVAcado Salad.”

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