menu development


Former FSD of the Month opens new business

“The goal of Sustainable Kitchens is to evaluate food and operations in both commercial and non-commercial operations and, based on those evaluations, develop systems, processes, recipes, menus, branding and training in an effort to improve quality and increase revenue.”


Chick-fil-A partnership gives hospital bad rap

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine slams Greenville (S.C.) Memorial Hospital for its contract with Chick-fil-A, calling it one of the “six worst public hospital food environments” out of more than 200 medical centers surveyed. But the hospital’s administrators have taken issue with the report, calling it flawed and suggesting that the PCRM has ignored a number of steps the hospital has taken to improve patent and community health.

Providence Health & Services, based in Portland, is phasing such drinks out of its hospitals, clinics and business offices over a two-month period. According to the healthcare system, Providence would be the largest such organization on the West Coast to make such a change. The ban includes drinks sweetened with HFCS, sucrose, dextrose and even cane sugar.

We recently discovered the holy grail of State College food porn: @psueeeats. This Instagram account has an impressive and growing following with over 2,000 followers and for good reason. The account takes submissions to post onto its feed, and it’s absolutely fantastic.

The conventional wisdom that chicken is boring doesn’t hold much weight with most non-commercial chefs, especially when you consider all the creative ways these operators use the ubiquitous bird on their internationally influenced menus.

The chicken is so popular that the hospital unlocks a conference room to accommodate diners who can’t find a seat, even though many customers take their meals to go.

It might be a cliche to say that campus food at college is terrible, but that doesn’t mean it’s not always true. There are a number of factors that contribute to this assumption: the cost of food, meal plan allowance, taste, variety, quality… the list goes on.

The dining services department at the University of California Santa Cruz went retro on Thursday, Jan. 15 to pay homage to the campus’ 50th anniversary.

For many schools, keeping things like peanuts out of the cafeteria can be next to impossible. But the Gehlen Catholic School District has made it their mission to do just that.

The number of children participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is changing in ways that reflect events other than changes in nutrition rules, finds a new analysis by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC).

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