

Syracuse Chef of the Year award goes to former college, hospital chef

Tom Kiernan spent much of his professional cooking career at institutions like colleges and hospitals. He's heard the jokes, especially about hospital food.


Hospital launches healthy beverage initiative

San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center will no longer sell or provide any sugar-sweetened beverages on campus, but offer healthier drinks.

The generation isn’t looking to have three square meals in a main room, but instead, prefers a “country club approach,” enabling them to choose where to dine.

The health group is fighting back against special interest groups that are lobbying Congress to roll back requirements of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Customizable salad and pizza stations make Idexx lunches a collaborative experience.

With the number of meals served annually declining, as well as revenue, the Daniel Boone School District has only received one bid from a food contractor for the upcoming school year—which isn’t guaranteeing the cafeteria staffs’ jobs.

Celebrity chef turned Colorado lunch lady Ann Cooper told a Harvard conference on food in public schools that the federal government needs to prioritize children’s health and nutrition when making the budget.

The University of Vermont has signed a five-year dining services contract with Sodexo, which it says will better respond to student dining preferences.

Columbia Public Schools nutrition services department had recently been $1 million in the red, but is now ending the school year with more than $1 million in the black.

The most common mistake is serving a meal that triggers a patient’s food allergy.

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