food safety


Cafeteria worker contracts Hepatitis A

A school district is monitoring students and staff after a cafeteria worker was diagnosed with Hepatitis A.


Contaminated ice cream thought to have killed hospital patients

The CDC believes contaminated Blue Bell ice cream led to five Kansas hospital patients being sickened, resulting in three deaths.

According to Lucas Miller, assistant director of operations and executive chef at Ball State, Amanda Kruse has made an impact on dining services by developing a food action plan and collaborating with multiple departments.

MenuDirections 2015 gathered the most progressive and influential foodservice professionals in Memphis, Tenn., earlier this month.

School district policy would apply even to “food-free” zones in all schools, but may undergo revisions.

Investigators found critical food violations in Chicago hospitals and uncovered a bureaucratic problem – the state and city each thought the other was conducting health inspections.

A new report from the FDA reveals that some farmers are slipping past antibiotic tests in cows' milk by using drugs that aren’t supposed to be used on dairy cattle at all.

A study published in Food Research International suggests flooding, warmer temperatures attributed to global warming could compromise the integrity of fresh produce.

In the process, the pulp becomes a sterile biomass suitable for compost or is tilled directly into the soil. It is picked up by our certified organic CSA.

Students at Franklin College are being assured that premade items by Sodexo follow FDA guidelines and are safe to eat, even though students see items sitting out.

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