food safety


Nationally ranked hospital deals with roach infestation

UCSD Medical Center has been dealing with a cockroach infestation for the past year. Here’s how they think they solved the issue.


Hot meals return to school after mice, roach infestation

Hot meals are finally returning to a Chicago School after a rodent and roach infestation was found in the kitchen and lunchroom. Students had been heating cold lunches at their desk for the past two months.

More concessionaires are taking precaution so that fans with severe peanut allergies can attend safely.

Local officials said they were outraged to hear students in one Tennessee district were served roast pork that might have been frozen for as long as six years.

After Kansas City Royals fans accused the food company of serving moldy buns and overcooked hotdogs at a recent game, Aramark offered a media tour of the kitchen and concessions as food workers prepped for the next game.

Children with food allergies are faced with bullying in schools. However, many students don’t report it to anyone.

Memorial University officials say parents and students now perceive they are getting sub-standard service and quality on an ongoing basis.

Students at the Georgia college are circulating a petition, arguing that they’re required to pay for a meal plan that’s substandard.

The Kansas City Health Department had cited foodservice provider Aramark for safety violations in 2014, when inspectors found moldy food at concession stands during baseball playoff games.

Aramark reportedly is hiring a general manager at a Canadian university where students were served nearly raw pork chops and moldy lemons.

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