

District’s summer nutrition program doubles

The Hollister School District served 5,492 lunches in June, up from 2,698 lunches during the same period last year – which the director of student nutrition attributes to more district focus on students’ nutritional needs.


Michigan’s new prison foodservice contract worth $13.7 million

After parting ways with Aramark, the state inked a new contract with Trinity Services Group that includes higher meal prices, potentially higher annual increases and a waiver of experience requirements for kitchen workers.

Fearing tightening regulations, the Bozeman School Board voted to suspend the high school’s participation in the NSLP, while elementary and middle schools will remain involved.

We talked to directors at self-operated facilities to discover how they stay independent. Their secrets boil down to creative, common-sense management.

An additional $3.3 million will be provided to the farm-to-school program, allowing all school districts to purchase locally grown food.

After two years of court battles and union disputes, the school board is moving to hire a private contractor.

Vermont children are enjoying summer meals and snacks at 270 locations, up from 141 in 2009, as a result of a partnership between Hunger Free Vermont and the USDA.

A look at some of tomorrow’s up-and-coming restaurant concepts, each posing possible competition (and ideas to ‘borrow’) for FSDs

The State Department of Education in Massachusetts will no longer use free and reduced lunch numbers to publicly report school districts’ low-income student populations. Instead, it will derive “economically disadvantaged” numbers based on “direct certification.”

San Dieguito Union High School District recently raised meal prices, for the first time in seven years, to try to balance the budget, according to the staff nutritionist.

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