K-12 Schools


Another district drops out of the NSLP

Students at Highlands High School can get fries with their meal anytime they want after Fort Thomas Independent Schools dropped out of the federal meals program this year.


How school lunch became the latest political battleground

Today the School Nutrition Association is Washington’s loudest and most public critic of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The city's in-school scrap collection program will grow from 90 schools to more than 720 around the city — including every public school in Manhattan and Staten Island, the Department of Sanitation announced Monday.

A new federal program that makes free breakfast and lunch available to all students, no questions asked, has been slow to catch on in Virginia.

Dozens of Berkshire businesses and institutions are among the 1,700 statewide being mandated to reduce, reuse and recycle their food waste.

We created an approved foods tool, so parents and teachers know what food items meet the Smart Snacks regs.

Four years ago, Executive Chef Ryan Conklin served quinoa for the first time at Rex Healthcare, a Raleigh, N.C. hospital.

Tyler Hayes wakes up to a schoolhouse breakfast and says he noticed early morning cafeteria changes at Elyria High School.

Northwestern students used to look forward to lunch every Thursday, when restaurant-style fried chicken and French fries would be served.

Lynnell Grumbles is the new CEO of the Santa Clarita Valley Food Service Agency, which supplies more than 11,500 lunches and 4,000 breakfasts daily to 38 campuses.

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