Colleges & Universities


What a few chefs really think about Black History Month menus

Last month, I suggested that it might be time to put an end to the special dinners that many institutions stage to celebrate Black History Month.


Cornell chefs compete in campus’ first fruit and veggie cook-off

Chefs at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., faced off March 25 in the first Fruit & Vegetable Recipe Contest.

Fordham University students are partnering with Sodexo to create a 'secret' menu, promoted via social media.

This fall, San Diego State will become the first U.S. campus to ‘certify green’ all campus-owned dining locations.

Vegetarians at one Midwestern college say they are struggling to meet daily nutrition needs, because they have few menu choices.

Students and staff at Whitworth University are planting fruit trees and vegetables on an acre of unused land that will be open for anyone on campus to use.

In response to student complaints that it was serving nearly raw meat and rotten produce, Aramark says it will step up its feedback process at a Canadian university.

UCSC recruited Chef Jet Tila to help set a Guinness World Record for longest granola bar, measuring 420 feet and containing nearly 250 pounds of ingredients.

University dining services director says his program offers healthy options and actively seeks student input.

A growing body of medical experts and researchers are saying childhood nutrition affects adult income earning potential.

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