Healthcare Spotlight


Hospital turns yard into organic farm

The three-year-old facility, part of the St. Luke University Health Network, is getting as much as 80% of the produce its foodservice department uses from its own backyard.


Study: More than half of seniors in ERs poorly nourished

UNC researchers have discovered that more than half of UNC’s emergency-room patients that are 65 or older suffer from poor nutrition.

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is world renowned for its cutting-edge research and medical care. It is also a leader in sustainability, modeling healthy, sustainable food choices for patients, staff and visitors.

The Kansas Hospital Education & Research Foundation (KHERF), an arm of the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), ha The Kansas Hospital Education & Research Foundation (KHERF), an arm of the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), has convinced 54 of KHA’s 128 hospital members to examine their food and beverage services with a goal of making their programs healthier.

Going green, improving environmental performance, creating healthier environments — it all sounds good. And with a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, hospitals are ripe with opportunity.

The Champaign County Nursing Home board of directors approved an estimated $731,460 dietary services contract with Healthcare Services Group of Pennsylvania.

Kathryn Massey is new chair; awards also handed out at Minneapolis event

A growing network of companies and organizations is delivering food directly from local farms to major institutions like Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in downtown Philadelphia, eliminating scores of middlemen from farm to fork.

Morehouse General Hospital has been working over the past year to improve the quality of life for its employees.

In order to encourage customers to eat more healthfully, we reduced the price of our salad bar to $4.99 per pound, from $6.99. At the same time, we increased the price of sodas.

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