Give us your worst

To counter our Big Idea issue, we're looking for ideas that didn't quite pan out as planned.

In our upcoming July issue, FSD offers its annual roundup of Big Ideas—ideas that were too big to fit in a confined Steal This Idea box. Working on that feature for the second year got us thinking about what the opposite of a “stealable” idea would be and how operators could learn from those ideas as well.

We want to hear about the ideas you’ve tried that didn’t work out quite as planned. What menu items weren't a hit? Promotions that didn't pan out? Training that didn't go as you would have liked? We want to hear about anything that you've tried that didn’t work out and what you were able to learn from the idea.

We’ll post the best worst ideas in an online-only feature soon. E-mail or Facebook/tweet your ideas so other can operators benefit from the wisdom of your not-so successful experience.



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