Senior Living


Non-commercial operations not planning new dining locations

For most non-commercial operators, new dining locations are not in the works. Sixty-seven percent of respondents to The Big Picture research say they have no new dining location planned.


Finding time for training difficult, operators say

Finding time to offer training was unanimously ranked as the most difficult aspect of providing training opportunities for staff. Getting money for training was the most difficult for those in the educational sector, while motivating staff to take advantage of instructional opportunities was the most challenging in LTC/senior living facilities.

Twenty-nine percent of operators plan to increase their use of from-scratch breakfast cooking in the next year, according to research from The Big Picture.

More operators saw growth at breakfast in the past two years than those reporting a decrease or static numbers. For those who reported an increase, the average boost was 17%.

The same percentage of operators—70%— have an employee wellness program as those who offer a customer wellness program. Long-term care/senior living operators were the least likely to offer both types of services; 53% don’t have an employee wellness program while 50% do not offer the service for customers.

The majority of non-commercial foodservice establishments do not have farmers’ markets on their campuses. Schools and LTC/senior living were the least likely segment to have farmers’ markets.

This month FoodService Director releases the results of The Big Picture, which we believe is the most comprehensive non-commercial research project ever conducted.

Fruit, healthy proteins and yogurts/parfaits are on the rise for breakfast menus in the next two years, according to research from The Big Picture. For most operators, the predicted increase in these categories is due to providing healthier options for customers.

When it comes to human resources challenges, operators say employee morale/motivation is the most difficult aspect, according to The Big Picture research. Absenteeism also ranked high, especially in schools and B&I locations.

Even with unemployment running high, foodservice operators aren’t sure if career hunters will want to follow in their footsteps. The key determinant, they say, is how well the industry spotlights the opportunities available today to prospective candidates.

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