K-12 Schools


New regs causing more food waste in Idaho school

School has 36 pounds more waste than last year.


Raquel Vazquez

Raquel Vazquez, director of dining services for Chartwells at Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District, is bright, energetic, compassionate, professional and genuinely well rounded in job performance, according to Brendan Ryan, director of food service

Mitchell is deputy director for Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation.

Projects support nearly 2 million students.

Healthy Kids Living Program will provide healthy recipes to school.

Study shows kids and teens ate more calories when dining at fast-food or sit-down restaurants.

W. Va. school district had to think fast when power was lost.

Study shows children ate less junk food and drank less soda when offered free fruit at school.

At one of the high schools there is a student advisory/food council. This group advocates for the school nutrition program. The students also do product testing and have made a video about the importance of selecting fresh produce every day. They have bee

When Sandy hit the Eastern Seaboard on Oct. 29, millions of people were affected with rising water, downed trees and loss of power. School districts weren’t immune to Sandy’s effects. FSD talked with two child nutrition professionals to find o

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