Hospitals & Long-term Care


Detroit hospital receives a healthy food makeover

Henry Ford Health System has cut seven tons of fat from food and increased fruit and vegetable purchases by 10% annually in an effort to offer patients more healthy food choices.


Confessions of Becky Ellis

Becky Ellis, senior director of dining and nutrition services for Carilion Clinic, loves duck confit, hates haggis and believes bacon-flavored items have been done to death.

When a media report slamming the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for the amount of pre-consumer food waste it generates came out in late 2012, Food and Nutrition Services Director Joan Dolezal knew she couldn’t ignore it.

Certain places have reputations for serving bad food. Places where you’re stuck with few options under cramped conditions. Airplanes. Jails. And, of course, hospitals.

The Black Hat chef program, one of the most talked about culinary training modules in healthcare foodservice, has become obsolete at Rex Healthcare, in Raleigh, N.C.

For many, it’s been a long, brutal winter. Heat up your cold-weather menus with these hearty stews. As part of our continuing Signature Series, we asked operators to share some of their popular stew dishes.

Click through a Snapshots of all the recipes for the March 2014 issue. This month features Szechuan, mini desserts and leafy greens.

When we started our guest tray program, we didn’t accept credit card payments and we were averaging about seven guest trays per month.

I teamed up with our marketing and wellness departments to create a blog on Baptist Health’s website.

One of the “proudest and saddest” foodservice-related programs at Hennepin County Medical Center, in Minneapolis, according to Food and Nutrition Services Director Bill Marks, is the monthly Food Shelf program.

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