

Metz serving only line-caught tuna

Metz Culinary Management is now serving only line-caught tuna in its B&I, K-12, higher eduction and healthcare accounts. The company is making the switch because it says line-caught tuna, opposed to net-caught tuna is more sustainable and produces a higher quality product.


Biloxi schools’ menus feature locally grown items

Cafeteria food has taken on a fresh, new twist in the Biloxi School District. This week, Biloxi schools are serving dishes that feature products grown in Mississippi.

Genetic engineering has sparked a heated food-related debate. Three countries—Benin, Serbia and Zambia—have banned GMOs (genetically modified organisms) outright.

I wrote a manual to spell out how we should be purchasing food to help us improve the health of our patients and employees.

A shift in student and faculty culture has led to wider participation in sustainable activities and lower waste-emitting rates, according to this university’s annual Sustainability Progress Report released Monday.

Maranacook Community High School recently held several events in conjunction with Maine Harvest Lunch Week, Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

The city's in-school scrap collection program will grow from 90 schools to more than 720 around the city — including every public school in Manhattan and Staten Island, the Department of Sanitation announced Monday.

Dozens of Berkshire businesses and institutions are among the 1,700 statewide being mandated to reduce, reuse and recycle their food waste.

Every day in Top of Lenoir, hundreds of students line up at the conveyor belt to drop off plates piled high with unwanted pizza crusts, rejected pot roast and the last few bites of lima beans.

Congress will join a number of US cities that have imposed restrictions on polystyrene, a widely used plastic known best as Styrofoam.

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