health and wellness


Tossing the Fryer

Used to be, if you wanted to guarantee a dish’s popularity, just fry it. But as both diners and public policy makers have continued to push for healthier meal options, non-commercial operators are leaving fried foods by the wayside in favor of those


Idaho DOE Creates Healthy Cookbook

The Idaho Department of Education (DOE) has worked with a chef/dietitian to create a cookbook of healthy recipes for school foodservice directors to use. “Chef Designed School Lunch” was launched in April and presented at the School Nutrition

Concerns about healthy food and overall well-being are here to stay. So what exactly is working for non-commercial operators in the struggle to promote wellness? We spoke to operators to get 25 tips from their successful health and wellness programs.

Here's a look at six of the proposed menu items for Rush Medical Center's planned restaurant-style patient menu.

Fat makes you fat? Not anymore, say most experts. In fact, oils like olive and canola are now thought to boost heart health because they are high in unsaturated fats. No wonder they’re becoming the lipids of choice in homes and restaurants. Here&rsq

Everyone knows that the federal government moves at the speed of a super slo-mo video. Government lobbyists, on the other hand, can attain warp speed whenever they need to.

Hospital operators say they aren't sure about the impact the Affordable Care Act will have on their operations. We explore that and more in our 2013 Hospital Census.

What's the best way to get your kid to eat more vegetables? Smother the broccoli in sauce, cut cucumbers into fun shapes, or ban dessert until they've eaten their spinach? A new study reveals what could be the best approach—simply teach them

We asked a few child nutrition professionals what they thought about the USDA’s interim final rule regarding competitive foods. Here’s what they had to say. If you’ve got something to add, write to editor Becky Schilling at bschilli

A simple request from a prospective resident has led to Grandview Terrace, a senior living center in Sun City, Ariz., to become the first CCRC in the state to be certified gluten-free by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA). The certificati

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