health and wellness


Operators react to lifting of protein, grain maxes

Last month the USDA permanently lifted the regulation that set maximums for the amount of grain and protein that could be served each week in school lunches.


"Servo" truck serves Gettysburg students

Students at 2,700-student Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania are enjoying healthier foods on the go—even late night—thanks to a new campus food truck.

Sodium was top of mind at the School Nutrition Association’s SNIC conference last week.

This month: 10 trends for 2014, FDA curbs antibiotics in livestock, laptops nixed in Michigan cafeterias and more.

This summer, farmers’ markets came to the campus of the College of Holy Cross, in Worcester, Mass.

Foodservice operations in hospitals are always looking for ways to increase patient satisfaction. One Miami hospital is taking a creative approach by tweaking its menu—by adding sound. 

It’s no secret that red meat’s reputation isn’t exactly stellar, healthwise. In large part, that’s because many cuts of beef contain high levels of fat; specifically, the saturated kind that’s thought to raise cholesterol lev

Sometime early in 2014 the rules governing the first major overhaul of U.S. food safety regulations in more than 70 years, known as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) will take effect. 

Eight out of 10 operators market their healthful menu items, according to The Big Picture.

Twenty-one percent of operators offer incentives to their customers to help them make healthier dining decisions, according to The Big Picture.

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