
A collection of menu planning ideas for foodservice operators.



World flavors are beating a path to America’s doorstep. But Mexican, right next door, refuses to be ignored—and customers continually demand comfort-food versions of familiar south-of-the-...


Menu planning for diabetics

There is no single diet for diabetics—so how can you craft a balanced menu?

The message is being taken to heart that the seafood you purchase and menu should be of the sustainable variety. Meanwhile, operators also agree that simple seasoning and preparation is often the best...

Bon Appetit Management Co. has made local and sustainable a hallmark of its college and university accounts across the country. According to the Community Alliance With Family Farmers, based in Davis...

By combining ‘wholesome’ with ‘indulgent’ ingredients—and providing more varied seasoning for customization—operators are re-invigorating the comfort pasta classics...

With Americans eating more salads than ever, operators need to make salads healthier. Here are some tips for making it happen. The traditional salad of iceberg lettuce with a slice of tomato and cucu...

Display cooking is a mainstay of the many buffets Sportservice stages at stadium venues around the country. This  clambake, according to Exec. Chef Rolf Baumann, adds visual and aromatic exciteme...

Smoothies continue to become part of healthful menu offerings. Fruit- or yogurt-based, regular or low-cal, no-sugar-added, with or without a booster—smoothies are a solidly entrenched part of t...

The classic sandwiches remain popular—but today’s sandwich board is heating up with toasted or grilled versions of just about anything. Also hot: ‘gourmet’ toppings and spa por...

Breakfast breads—pancakes, waffles, pain perdu, French toast, muffins, etc.—win the morning popularity award. Vegetarians who consume milk, eggs and sugar can enjoy traditional breakfast ...

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