K-12 Schools


FDA releases guidelines on gluten-free food labeling

A gluten-free item cannot contain more than 20 parts per million of gluten.


Michigan education chief suggests districts consolidate foodservice programs

Administrators hope the plan will save money and allow schools to focus on teaching.

The district says it can be more efficient and create from-scratch meals.

The state adopted similar rules in 2006.

Michigan Court of Appeals dismisses lawsuit filed after district banned peanuts from being brought to schools in students' lunches.

App also provides nutritional and allergen information.

We do a Behind the Lunch Counter tour for parents. We invite them to go behind the scenes, to help take the mystery out of what happens behind the counter to create their students’ meals.

State legislature says money will strengthen local economies.

Vegetables were the most likely item to be found in the trash.

Fat makes you fat? Not anymore, say most experts. In fact, oils like olive and canola are now thought to boost heart health because they are high in unsaturated fats. No wonder they’re becoming the lipids of choice in homes and restaurants. Here&rsq

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