
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

5 marketing ideas for the month of March

Spring is in the air as March nears and there are a plethora of food-centric holidays coming up. From St. Patrick’s Day to National Meatball Day, here are five marketing opportunities for the month of March.


K-12 pizza competition to raise money for unpaid meal charges

The Sizzling Slice Showdown asks school nutrition operators to submit their best pizza recipe to raise money to go towards tackling school meal debt.

Also in this week’s legislative update: A Oklahoma bill would encourage farm-to-school efforts in the state and Hawaii and Tennessee consider implementing universal free meals at school.

Fourteen Texas high school culinary teams were challenged to create a vegetarian lunch entree as part of Aramark’s annual Culinary Star Competition.

A new report examined school meal participation in California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and Vermont during the first school year the states implemented policies mandating healthy school meals for all.

Picadeli salad bars are popping up more and more in the on-site foodservice space. Here’s a look at how the salad bars offer sustainable, affordable products with minimal labor.

A new study reveals that California school nutrition programs are experiencing vacancy rates that are three times higher than that of U.S. public school teachers.

The dining team partnered with Black Residents United in Housing to host the class, which taught participants how to make Jambalaya.

Event and catering professionals gathered in Austin, Texas last week to discuss industry challenges, trends and more.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: A Kansas bill would prevent the state from participating in Summer EBT and Ohio lawmakers tackle lunch shaming.

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