

Ceviche station at UCI Health lures staff and visitors to hospital cafe

The Morrison-run culinary team created Latin-inspired seafood offerings to coincide with National Avocado Day.


Offering grab-and-go options without sacrificing great taste or maxing out labor

Busy consumers are looking for convenient, tasty meals that are ready to eat in minutes. Learn more about how to offer these options without stretching staff thin.

The hospital's foodservice team planned a small wedding for a patient and their betrothed, completely to the couple's surprise.

After brainstorming ideas on paper, the Morrison Healthcare team turned a pizza, gelato and espresso concept into reality.

The hospital network had a foodservice program that even executives didn't appreciate. Now it's getting profiled as the future of healthcare foodservice.

The updated program at Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community aims to provide flexible dining options inspired by the local food scene.

Allegheny Health Network is launching the program before it rolls out to other Cura-managed hospitals and senior-living communities.

Uber’s health-focused arm is expanding to fulfill food-as-medicine prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs.

The foodservice provider has partnered with Folx Health, a digital healthcare provider that caters to the LGBTQIA+ community.

The company’s revamped Chef Fresh Combos will be available to clients in the college, healthcare, corporate dining and K-12 segments.

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