K-12 Schools


District video hopes to clear up meal reg confusion

District in Utah made video to explain meal regs to students.


Jersey student instigates switch from polystyrene

District now uses paper plates and trays.

Daughter spends as much as $6 a day in cafeteria, father complains

Getting high school students to eat in school cafeterias is often a challenge. Many schools have open campuses, allowing students to leave school to pick up food—often at fast food joints. There’s also the “cool” factor. Many older

We have a display cooking station every day. We thought it would be fun to ask our headmaster to be our chef for a day. We posted flyers and info on our website so parents knew they could join us. It was a huge hit, and the line for the station was out th

Eastern Pennsylvania district will install cameras in reposne to food fights.

If approved, measure would allocate up to $475 million to improve foodservice

Retired military officers say kids too overweight to join armed forced

Worker told to cut veggies in half and use store-bought food.

New tables, TVs and murals dress up once-drab dining space

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