Two Alabama middle schools to renovate cafeteriasTwo Alabama middle schools to renovate cafeterias
The renovation budget is provided by the Child Nutrition Program and $250,000 has been budgeted for each middle school. Two Dothan City Schools are expecting a quarter of a million dollar update. Girard middle school and Carver Magnet are renovating their cafeterias this summer.
June 10, 2014
DOTHAN, Ala.—Two Dothan City Schools are expecting a quarter of a million dollar update. Girard middle school and Carver Magnet are renovating their cafeterias this summer.
“We’ll update the atmosphere in the cafeteria,” said Tonya Grier, Child Nutrition Program Director. “As a federal program we are regulated to the enth degree on what we can serve on terms of the food but we wanted to make the atmosphere in the cafeteria more user friendly and more up to date for the kids benefit."
The plan started in 2009 when Northview and Dothan High School renovated their cafeterias. The school system is working their way down to elementary schools and plan to have all the cafeterias renovated in the next 10 years.
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