Trending this week: USDA weighs chocolate milk ban in schoolsTrending this week: USDA weighs chocolate milk ban in schools
May 18, 2023
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This week on Food Management 2023 FM College Power Players: the Midwest ranked as the week's top story. We asked each school to provide an update primarily in three areas: what remnants of COVID era policies were still in place in their dining program, what was the status of pre/remote ordering on their campus and what recent additions have they made to their program in terms of new concepts, venues, technologies, services, etc.
In other news, USDA officials are considering a ban on chocolate milk in elementary and middle school cafeterias due to its high sugar content, according to The Wall Street Journal. The proposed flavored-milk moratorium has already been adopted by major cities like Washington, DC, and San Francisco and was first floated by the feds earlier this year.
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