Senate Committee votes to relax some school lunch regsSenate Committee votes to relax some school lunch regs
Amendment passed by Appropriations Committee suspends sodium reductions, provides for an out on the whole grain requirement.
An amendment relaxing whole grain and sodium requirements in the National School Lunch program was adopted in a voice vote by the Senate Appropriations Committee during the markup of a bill that would fund the USDA and FDA for the next fiscal year.
The amendment, from Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), would allow schools having trouble meeting the 100 percent whole grain requirement for cereal grain products to obtain a waiver that reduces it to a 50 percent requirement, and halts further sodium level reduction requirements until scientific research validates it as viable for schools to meet.
The action, which incorporates modifications to Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 advocated by the School Nutrition Association (SNA) but opposed by the White House, comes as Congress must reauthorize the Act by Sept. 30.
Primary work on the reauthorization in the Senate is taking place in the Agriculture Committee.
Contact Mike Buzalka at [email protected]
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