School District Takes Loss on Beach Concession GambitSchool District Takes Loss on Beach Concession Gambit
October 17, 2008
Because of a slow business season brought about by unusually rainy weather, Gloucester (MA) Public Schools lost money operating concession stands at a pair of local beaches, reports the Gloucester Daily Times. The district had taken over operation of the stands at Wingaersheek and Good Harbor beaches last spring in hopes of adding a profitable revenue stream, but ended up nearly $47,000 in the red instead.
The stands, which menu upscale fare such as Angus beef burgers, lobster rolls and made-to-order sandwiches prepared by district foodservice workers, generated almost $350,000 in revenues, but after expenses, plus a $55,000 license fee paid to the city, the schools were unable to make ends meet, at least in the first year of operation. The schools have not yet decided whether to try again next year.
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